August 2021

Nameless One

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Nameless OneGentle breezeA mantle wrapped around my shoulders The embrace of God can take you by surprise, and can be so gentle. And yet, deep down, you know there is something more to the embrace, that there is a calling, something you need to do and be. This was the… Read More »Nameless One

Thanks, I Think

Don’t you just wish God would simply say to you, “Here – this is what you’ve got to do”? Sometimes I wish for that – even though I’m not sure I really mean it. But wouldn’t it be nice to simply have someone (preferably holy and good) tell you what… Read More »Thanks, I Think


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At first glance, “we are to God as a wave is to the sea” seems to dismiss us, as nothing more than a small blob of water in a vast ocean, of no importance at all. But wait! Even that small blob of water is an integral part of the… Read More »Waves

It Doesn’t Fit

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This poem came into being as I struggled to go further than the first two lines, which I felt were so cleverly rhyming! Then it all fell apart because I couldn’t stick with the meter, and then, after asking myself, why should I stick with the meter?, the rest of… Read More »It Doesn’t Fit

It’s Out Of Order Again

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This was just a reflection piece in response to a poetry prompt: “your reaction to an Out of Order sign on a vending machine.” And in the spirit of taking things way too seriously, I worked it into what you see below. The poem in its entirety is here: It’s… Read More »It’s Out Of Order Again


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This was written for Thanksgiving 2020, during a spike in the pandemic. That day had become, perhaps, a focal point for the change and losses of that year so far, and this piece is meant to reflect that reality, and to point beyond as well. It’s more of a personal… Read More »Kaleidoscope


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What is your superpower, she asked My superpower is not me and alone and one. It is us and we. And, God, maybe eventually, Them. Hard conversations. We’re called to hard conversations: bridging the gap between us and “them”, coming together, but not at the expense of marginalized persons, or… Read More »Superpower

Holy Distraction, Batman!

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I was struck with the irony of my grumpiness at having my prayer time disrupted by a gorgeous sunrise. This has happened to me on several occasions. Who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor! The entire poem is printed here, and is also in a PDF format.             … Read More »Holy Distraction, Batman!


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Coyote-song thrills back and forth across the road on cloudless summer dusk… River-song curves the bottom of the canyon… Drum-song in the adobe church Christmas Eve midnight… The song of Creation is diverse, and is teacher, lover, challenger, witness, life-giver. This poem recalls songs I have been able to witness… Read More »Oratorio