Christmas/Christmas Eve

Come, Thou Unexpected Jesus

Come, thou unexpected Jesus!Thought you’d be so meek and mild.Never causing any trouble.Nope! That’s not the Holy Child! Although a savior for Israel was expected and hoped for, Jesus was, in a very real sense, unexpected. He did what proper society did not expect him to do – he ate… Read More »Come, Thou Unexpected Jesus

Deep into the Dark

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On my first Christmas Eve as a newly-ordained pastor, I stood at the pulpit looking out at the gathered congregation in the soft glow of candlelight, basking in the “jolly holly” feel that I had known all my life on Christmas Eve. Then I really looked out at the congregation.… Read More »Deep into the Dark

Holding Light

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One Christmas Eve a few years ago, as our congregation here in Denver stood together in a circle in the dark sanctuary, singing “Silent Night”, I was incredibly struck by the power of a community holding candlelight and singing in the night. “This is who we are,” I thought, “This… Read More »Holding Light