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At first glance, “we are to God as a wave is to the sea” seems to dismiss us, as nothing more than a small blob of water in a vast ocean, of no importance at all. But wait! Even that small blob of water is an integral part of the… Read More »Waves

Proclamation and Confession of Faith

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Trust the science! I was never much good at science, but here goes: Quantum physics somewhere along the line has discovered that the “building blocks” of matter (discreet, separate) are not really blocks anymore. They’re waves or fields, connected, not discrete and separate. Several years ago I read two books… Read More »Proclamation and Confession of Faith

Holding Light

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One Christmas Eve a few years ago, as our congregation here in Denver stood together in a circle in the dark sanctuary, singing “Silent Night”, I was incredibly struck by the power of a community holding candlelight and singing in the night. “This is who we are,” I thought, “This… Read More »Holding Light