This responsive reading was originally written for an Interfaith Service of Prayer and Healing following the 2020 election. It was a Zoom event planned and led by my home church (Washington Park UCC, Denver), and First Congregational UCC and Temple Beth Shalom, both of Ocala, Florida. It was inspired, in part, by these two Florida congregations, who have been working together for years. In late 2020, they broke ground for construction of a shared building. The litany that was written for that ground-breaking event centered on the repeated phrase, “Imagine!”
The entire prayer is below; it is also in a PDF document.
Leader: “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.”* Imagine!
People: Living God, open our eyes, our hands, our hearts, our souls. Help us reach out to others, to reach across the abyss that divides us, and reach through our own fears.
Leader: The work goes on, to build a true community of shalom for all. It is possible.
People: Imagine!
Leader: The work goes on. But you cannot do it – not you, nor you – alone. But we can! Together.
People: Imagine!
Leader: Loving God, created in your image, beings of light and life, hear our prayers, our fears, our hopes, our dreams. Embrace us, grant us courage, and guide our steps.
All: Kindle our imaginations, breathe your life into our actions as we dream and work to make your new world. Together.
*Quote by Arundhati Roy