Deep into the Dark

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On my first Christmas Eve as a newly-ordained pastor, I stood at the pulpit looking out at the gathered congregation in the soft glow of candlelight, basking in the “jolly holly” feel that I had known all my life on Christmas Eve.

Then I really looked out at the congregation. And saw Cathy, whose young husband had dropped dead just a few short months ago, leaving her with three young children. And Cheryl, whose husband walked out on her one day. Just left her to run the farm herself. And Victor, who had to put his mother in a nursing home, and sell the family home. Everyone had a story and a heartache. And a need to understand who this Christ is and what is this peace that we sing about. And what are we doing in church on Christmas Eve?

Decades later, I finally wrote this poem. For them. And all the others since. And maybe even for the Church. And for you.

The full poem is available as a PDF document. The first few lines of the poem are below:

 Christmas is
    contradiction and wonder
    soft candle-light and fear
 Christmas goes deep into the dark, yet we search for it in glitter,
    and we decorate with tinsel the tears of 
        those left behind
        those left out
        those left alone. 

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