I want to celebrate with you that I’ve published a devotional guide for progressive congregations and individuals!

I’ve written this book because I believe words matter. The words we use reflect how we view the world and our place in it. The words we use determine how we act in and for the world. If we see ourselves as the pinnacle of Creation, we will relate to the world in one way. If we see ourselves as responsible members of Earth Community, we will relate in the world another way.
And, God’s Creation – people and planet – are under assault from pollution, climate change, species extinction, violence, injustice, habitat loss – you know the list. Time is short to rectify the worst of the environmental damage we’re experiencing. But there is still time.
So I wrote this book to help individuals and churches speak different words, view the world in a different way from the “way we’ve always done things.” The readings in this book are to help folks not be alone in wondering, in lament, in questions, or in ranting. This book is here to challenge and comfort and maybe make you laugh once in a while. These words are to be shared with others, to strike up conversation.
We are indeed all in this together, as we work to heal Creation, bring justice, change, and new life to this world and all its children, now and in the future.
You can order directly from the publishing website (they use their profits to help food-insecure folks in their Tennessee community) at https://parsonsporch.com/ucc. Or, you can email me directly to arrange for a copy, at sawtell.a@gmail.com
I don’t want finances to get in the way of anyone having this book and making use of it, so if you purchase from me, it will be on a sliding scale, whatever works best for you.